Friday, August 23, 2013


So, ok, yes it's been over a year since my last blog entry. Deal with it. I'm a cat, I do things when I want, and I took time off to discover the meaning of life.

All I discovered is that Humans are just plain nuts. In the last 16 months a Pope "resigned" because God told him to, more children were killed in schools (make sure to remember that guns don't kill people, or so you Humans are constantly told by crackpot conservatives), Russia has decided that holding hands or wearing a rainbow flag can get you sent to jail, and Politicians are texting pictures of their ding-dongs to constituents.

Y'all are cray-cray, as todays' youth says.

Not that I don't have my crazy moments, but I don't hurt anyone, or put anyone down (well, not including religious nuts and Republicans, but they make it SO easy to do so).

So, I took some time off to see who I am, what I believe, and what I hope to get out of writing this blog. (plus Human One took away my internet privileges for a very long time).

Then it hits me. I am a cat, correction, a CAT!
I was worshipped in Ancient Egypt, and frankly still should be now. I purr, and make you feel good. I am, perhaps, the worlds salvation! So my words of wisdom shall continue.

Like me, or hate me, I am back. Every now and then I may get political, and if you don't like that, I can give you something from my litter box to chew on.