Sadly I am forced to comment on a growing trend that I find horrific and cruel. It is so terrible, that it is rarely talked about, but alas, I must speak of it, and that is the cruel and inhumane practice of dressing up cats in Human clothes and situations.
First I must say that to do this to dogs is okay and perfectly natural, as they are stupid creatures who know no better, and in most cases actually look better in such situations.
But cats, c'mon. It IS cruel and unusual punishment.
No decent cat is going to lie on a chaise lounge in that position. On the floor, sure...but on a frisking chaise lounge? The look of embarrassment on the faces of those poor creatures make me want to bite someone. And frankly, we don't have the same code of modesty that you Humans do...we're perfectly happy naked. And worst of all...that string on the bottom piece, that goes between our legs, chafes! PLEASE stop this nonsense.
Really? REALLY? Do you really think any cat will stand for this nonsense? They must have drugged the poor creature to get him in this ridiculous outfit.
The look on this poor ones face is not a happy look. It is a "I am going to bite your private parts when you are sleeping" look. Why would any Human do this to a poor defenseless creature? I suspect this cat is owned by a Texas Longhorn fan, ridiculous!
Most of you can't even dress yourselves, but that is another blog post all on its own. Please stop this ridiculous practice. It insults the cat, AND the Human.
Do you ever see us putting YOU in a litter box, or getting on all fours to lap up some milk to take pictures? NO. We have class. We would not embarrass you in that way (frankly you Humans do that well enough all on your own, so you don't need our help).
So, please, PLEASE stop this ridiculous practice. If you do not, this could happen.
I don't think any of us want that, because it would NOT be girl scout cookies we are selling!